Scottie Patricia

Monday, July 18, 2011

Yeah I finally have a blog!

I'm so excited to finally join the blog world! I've always read my cousin Ivy blog and I've always wanted one of my own. Even though I don't have a family or kids I felt like I would have exciting things to share :)

A couple weeks ago me and my family went on a trip to Chicago. I'm not a fan of big cities, but I fell in love. It is so beautiful there. Here are some pictures from our trip.

This Lion was unbelievable! I couldn't believe how close he was to the glass. How cute:) 

This was on the top floor of the Willis Tower. 103 stories high! My mom had to walk away... 

My grandmother, sister, myself and my mom on gangster night 

 Navy Pier
View from our dinner cruise on the Fourth of July.

I can't believe that there is only one month left in my summer vacation. I feel like it just started! I have so much school work to do before I start my last semester at Flagler. I've allready taken two out of my three certification tests, and I have my last one in three weeks. I will be doing lots of studying (and stressing) in the next couple weeks.

In my free time i've been doing lots of shopping.... and a few crafts here and there. My mom is a second grade teacher at the school I work at and I thought she would enjoy a crayon wreath for her classroom.

I'm not very artistic but I was so proud of myself for creating this! It was cheap, fun, and a great gift idea for school teachers. I spent 7-8$ on the whole wreath. Here are the steps to create one of your own.

* 3 boxes of the 24 pack crayola crayons
* Ribbon on your choice
* 8 and 12 inch embroidery loop (wooden)
* Hot glue gun and glue sticks
* Sharpie
* Wood designs from Hobby Lobby ( your choice)

1. I placed the 8 inch loop in the middle of the 12inch loop. Make sure that it is center.
2. I then placed all the crayons on the loop before I glued them on. Once placed you then can glue them on.
3. Making the bow was the hardest part for me. I looped the ribbon through the top of the wreath and then played around with the bow till it made the shape I wanted it to. I cut a thin strip of fabric and then wrapped it around the bow to stay in place.
4. Last I hot glued on all of my wooden pieces. Then wrote my mom's name and grade.

I loved this craft!